Vanessa was born in 1958 and studied at Norwich Art College and then at City and Guilds in London where she took a postgraduate diploma. She states that her sculpture has grown out of her fascination with the female form with its beautiful curves and flowing lines. Even as a child she remembers playing with handfuls of clay on Suffolk beaches. She still uses clay to create her sculptures because the responsiveness of the material allows her to play with the forms until they feel right. Now specialising in figurative bronze sculptures, she still enjoys playing with shapes, again and again. Her bronze sculptures tend to be in series. The Mother and Child series celebrates having children. The Dancer series represents sculptures which explore movement inspired by the ballet The Nutcracker. Her latest group of work is about hugging or snuggling up and look at the bond between two figures that do not need to hold on to each other. Vanessa exhibits extensively throughout the UK.
Please check with the Gallery the availability of these editions.